19 April 2012

Swiss Sweet Spot #6

I'm well on my way now along my weekly walks to my chosen sweet spot in the forest above our home. Little by little I am learning to relax and exhale.

Today, between the rains, Loki le Magnifique came with me, often leading the way. You can see why he is my master.


  1. Sweet to read this as it brings together 2 of my most dearly held memories: adventuring with my beloved all black girl cat, Loki (wrong gender, but Loki himself pulled a few tricks like that in his mythological days), and the summer afternoons 35 years ago , in the hills above Neuchatel, when I first became aware of the incredible Swiss wanderweg system during my summer study at the university there. I wish you and your feline hiking companion many happy trails together!

  2. Bonjour Gina. Loki and I love knowing that another beloved Loki lived and was loved elsewhere (where?), and that you may have walked the same trails we do. If you're ever out our way again, give a shout!
