04 September 2017

Poetry Found

We were wheeling along a neighborhood boardwalk this Monday afternoon and came upon a little table piled with poetry, and two gentlemen offering to read to us and everyone.

Claude Thébert reads poems from "Aller Simple" by Erri De Luca.

Lionel Brady reads Verlaine.
Claude reads Greek poet, Kiki Dimoula.

For more on Lionel and Claude: www.theatredusentier.ch


  1. What a lovely encounter - and all around lovely afternoon!

  2. There are very nice people around here.
    Was it in Geneva ?

    Enjoy your stay.

    ~ 1vest faillite ~

  3. Hi Mike. Yes, this was in Geneva, just off Rue St. Jean. This is near our neighborhood, so especially nice to stumble upon this sweet moment of poetry. A few days ago I saw the man in the grocery store, and said bonjour and merci again. His wife thanked me for sending them the photo.
